Handouts for Math 225

Extra Credit Offer:  If you find an error in any handout, let me know. If you are the first to report it, you will get some extra credit on quizzes. This includes errors in spelling and grammar, but mathematical errors will be worth more.

Important:  Expectations for group work and writing.

Exams from previous semesters.

How to Think about Points and Vectors Without Coordinates

Two Types of Projection

The Perp Operator in R2

Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates for Mathematicians (as Opposed to Physicists)

Two Useful Things from Linear Algebra
      * Finding Coefficients Relative to an Orthogonal Basis
      * Finding the matrix of a linear transformation

Informal Derivation of Arc Length Formulas

Geometry of Curves in E2
For the geometry of curves topic, this handout will be our main text. You should still read Section 3.2 of Colley for additional insight, but the computations I expect you to do will be done as they are in the handout. Be sure to read about this section in the "Comments on our Text" handout.

Curves and Surfaces
This is a pdf made from a Mathematica notebook. The notebook is what you should really go through, as it has several graphics you can manipulate. The notebook is in the Courses on Caleb folder N:\Math\Math225.

Derivatives Along Vectors and Directional Derivatives
Read this in three pieces.
    1) The first two sections, "Derivatives Along Vectors" and "Directional Derivatives" through the bottom of page 4.
    2) "Derivatives Along Vectors for Mappings" pages 5 and 6.
    3) "The Chain Rule and Linear Algebra to the Rescue!" pages 7 and 8.

The Idea of Differentiability for Functions of Several Variables
This goes with Section 2.3 of Colley.

When is a Vector Field the Gradient of a Function?
Insert for Colley's text, Sections 3.3 and 3.4.

The Curl Operator in Two Dimensions
Section 3.4 of Colley's text.

Gradient, Divergence, Laplacian, and Curl in Other Coordinate Systems
This goes with Section 3.4 of Colley.

Steepest Descent
This is an important numerical technique for approximating the minimum of a function of several variables.

Path Integrals With Respect to Arc Length and Problems
This goes with Section 6.1 in Colley.

Summary of Path Integrals
Chapter 6 of Colley introduces path integrals and explores their consequences. This pulls together a lot of things we have done so far, and introduces several new ideas as well. It can be a bit overwhelming. This is a summary.

A Curl-Free Vector Field that is not a Gradient
It is easy to think that if  curl F = 0, then F must be a gradient (or be conservative), but it's not always the case. It's almost true, and this shows what the possibilities are in R2.

Two papers of mine that you can read based on things you learned in this class.

Regularity of the Distance Function
Suppose that M is a Ck surface in R3 (this means that M is locally the graph of a Ck function of 2 variables).  Then the unit normal vector field N along the surface M is Ck-1 because you have to take first partial derivatives to compute N.  Let d be the distance function for M, that is, if X is a point in R3, then d(X) is the distance from X to M.  You can write a formula near M for d that involves N, and so one would expect that d is Ck-1 just as N is.  In fact, d is Ck.  This is not a new result, but it is a particularly clean, coordinate-free proof.  It uses the Inverse Function Theorem and directional derivatives.

The Volume Swept Out by a Moving Planar Region
A surface moving through space sweeps out a volume.  This paper gives an integral formula for the volume.  This is not a new result, but the only place I have seen it is in a calculus book from 1934, and it is stated there without proof!  This requires the change of variables formula for multiple integrals.