Syllabus: requirements, calendar, contacting me

Calendar (paper due dates are boxed; letters are Readings Book sections):

8/28 poems (B)
8/31 lecture (C) 9/2 Odyssey, 1–4 (D, E) 9/4 Odyssey, 5–6, 8–9 (F)
9/7 Odyssey, 10–13 (G) 9/9 Odyssey, 16–19 (H) 9/11 Odyssey, 21–24 (I)
9/14 lecture 9/16 Herodotus (J, K)

notes: Andrew

cont.: Hornblower

part.: Pearcy

9/18 Oedipus (L)

notes: Andrew

cont.: Foster

part.: Koch

9/21 Sophocles, Antigone (M)

notes: Wright

cont.: Soller

part.: Burzon

9/23 Lysias oration (N)

notes: Lyons

cont.: Wright

part.: Andrew

9/25 Thucydides (O)

notes: Foster

cont.: Dent

part.: Wright

9/28 Euripides, Bacchae (P)

notes: Muller

cont.: Andrew

part.: Soller

9/30 Plato, Euthyphro (Q)

notes: Burzon

cont.: Hagerty

part.: Foster

10/2 Aristophanes (R)

notes: Dent

cont.: Koch

part.: Hornblower

10/5 Plato, Apology (S)

notes: Hornblower

cont.: Rohrbach

part.: Miller

10/7 Aristotle, Ethics (T)

notes: Miller

cont.: Burzon

part.: Hagerty

10/9 lecture
10/12 Abraham to Jacob (U, V)

notes: Soller

cont.: Lyons

part.: Muller

10/14 Jacob & Joseph (W)

notes: Rohrbach

cont.: Pearcy

part.: Dent

midsemester break
10/19 Moses (X)

notes: Koch

cont.: Muller

part.: Rohrbach

10/21 David the King (Y)

notes: Hagerty

cont.: Miller

part.: —

10/23 Amos (Z)

notes: Soller

cont.: Hornblower

part.: Foster

10/26 images of God (AA)

notes: Rohrbach

cont.: Miller

part.: Hagerty

10/28 creation (BB)

notes: Hagerty

cont.: Wright

part.: Dent

10/30 Ecclesiastes (CC)

notes: Pearcy

cont.: Muller

part.: Koch

11/2 lecture 11/4 Songs, Li Bo (DD, EE)

notes: Miller

cont.: Dent

part.: Hornblower

11/6 Confucius (FF)

notes: Foster

cont.: Koch

part.: Muller

11/9 Mencius (GG)

notes: Hornblower

cont.: Foster

part.: Wright

11/11 Han Fei-zi (HH)

notes: Dent

cont.: Soller

part.: Lyons

11/13 Hero (II)

notes: Pearcy

cont.: Lyons

part.: Miller

11/16 Fifteen Strings (JJ)

notes: Koch

cont.: Rohrbach

part.: Soller

11/18 Dao De Jing (KK)

notes: Wright

cont.: Andrew

part.: Burzon

11/20 Zhuang-zi (LL)

notes: Lyons

cont.: Pearcy

part.: Rohrbach

Thanksgiving break
11/30 Sun-zi (MM)

notes: Burzon

cont.: Hagerty

part.: Pearcy

12/2 Du Fu (NN)

notes: Muller

cont.: Burzon

part.: Andrew

12/4 lecture
12/7 Greek art (OO)

notes: Andrew

12/9 Chinese painting (PP)

12/11 reflection day

    12/15 exam (instructions)

  Notes compilations: Greeks, Hebrews, China