
Sacsofi -- James Makubuya -- Curriculum Vitae
Dr. James K. Makubuya, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Music, Wabash College, Crawfordsville,
Indiana, USA
'SACSOFI' is my official logo for
this personal website.
The logo is derived from the key terms that articulate the principal
themes of this site. It stands for the
"Study and Appreciation
of the Cultural Significance
Of Folk
My website is one of several fora I use to share my past,
present, and on-going analytical study of the
significant role folk instruments play in folk societies.
Reflecting current fields of study in organology,
I use this website to record my explorations of the extent to which --
beyond musical sounds -- shapes, decorations, and iconography of musical
instruments are symbolic of the folk cultures from which they originate
and, consequently, represent.

James K. Makubuya was born and brought
up in the culture of the Baganda, in the East African nation of Uganda.
He graduated with a B.A. in Music & English Literature (Makerere
University, Kampala, Uganda), a Master of Music degree in Western
Music (Catholic University of America, Washington D.C., USA), and a Ph.D.,
in Ethnomusicology (University of California, Los Angeles, California,
USA). He is currently an Associate Professor of Music, Wabash College,
Crawfordsville, Indiana (USA).

By profession,
James Makubuya is a teacher, and a performing musician,
actively engaged in ethnomusicological research.
An active member of the Africa Network, the Galpin Society, the International
Council for Traditional Music, and Society for Ethnomusicology, his research
focuses on the organological studies of East Africa. With the endongo
(8-string bowl lyre) as his main instrument, James is a proficient performer
on several instruments, including the endingidi
(1-string tube fiddle), adungu (9-string bow
harp), amadinda (12-slab log xylophone), akogo
(thumb piano) and engoma (drums). He is also
an accomplished dancer and choreographer, having studied with several
master musicians and dancers from various East African musical traditions.
James has traveled to various cities of Africa, Asia, Canada,
Europe, North and South America, presenting research papers, guest lectures,
lecture demonstrations, workshops, and concert performances at (i) conferences,
colloquia, and seminars, (ii) academic and cultural institutions, (iii)
archives and museums, (iv) folk and culture festival events. His most
recent solo performances include Carnegie Hall, New York City, USA, London
Trinity College of Music, London, U.K., the Boston Museum of Fine Arts,
Boston, Massachusetts, USA, and the Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn,
New York, USA.
As a recording artist, James has been a featured musician
in the movie Mississipi Masala, and several television movies
and documentaries including: Simba: the King of the Jungle; Sherlock
Holmes; The African Skies; The African Thunderstorm;
and The Jungle Choir. Following his first audio recording, The
Uganda Tropical Beat I (1993), James has released three other CDs,
Taata Wange (1998), Watik, Watik: Music from Uganda
(2000), and Wu Man and Friends (2005) which was jointly produced
with Wu Man, a Chinese virtuoso pipa player, together with two
other virtuoso musicians including, Lee Knight, an Appalachian banjo,
dulcimer, and mouth bow player, and Julian Kytasy that plays the Ukranian
bandura and sopilka.
James is the founder and artistic director of WAMIDAN,
the Wabash College World Music performance ensemble, for those interested
in exploring the artistic and scientific myths and mysteries of folk music
and dances.
James K. Makubuya
Associate Professor of Music
Music Department, Wabash College
P.O. Box 352
Crawfordsville, IN 47933, USA
Tel. 765 361 6474 (office)
University of California, Los Angeles, CA. Ph.D.
(Ethnomusicology), 1995
Catholic University of America, Washington, DC. M. Mus.
(Western Music / Music Education), 1988
Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. B.A. (Music, English
Literature), 1980
“Endongo: The Role and Significance of the Baganda Bowl
Lyre of Uganda.”
Akogo (thumb piano) of the Teso Culture, Uganda
Adungu (9-string arched harp) of the Alur Culture, Uganda
Madinda (12-slab log xylophone) of the Baganda Culture, Uganda
Endingidi (1-string tube fiddle) of the Baganda Culture, Uganda
Endongo (8-string bowl lyre) of the Baganda Culture, Uganda
Entongooli (8-string bowl lyre) of the Basoga Culture, Uganda
Obokano (8-string bowl lyre) of the Gusii Culture, Kenya
Isikuti (3-drum set) drumming technique of the Baluhya Culture,
Traditional drumming techniques of multiple ethnic cultures of Uganda
Mandinka djembe drumming of Senegal, West Africa
Ewe drumming of Ghana, West Africa
Javanese Gamelan of Indonesia
Traditional folk dancing and choreography from various East African
musical cultures and traditions including the Ganda, Alur, Acholi, Luhya,
Gishu, Nyoro, Toro, Kiga, Nkore, Karamojong, Adhola, Soga and Teso.
2013 Mellon Grant for Participation in the East-West Center Seminar on Asian Studies
2013 NDI GLCA Grant for Phase II Fieldwork in "Advanced Building of Aerophones"
2012 NDI GLCA Grant for Phase I Fieldwork in "Advanced Building of Chordophones"
2011 NEH Grant for the Summer Institute of Scholars in Ethnomusicology and Global
2003 GLCA Grant for the Study of Obokano (Gusii bowl lyre) of Kenya, East Africa
1998 MIT Class of 1948 Career Development Professorship Grant
1997 The Galpin Society Musical Instrument Research Grant
1993 National Endowment for the Arts Research Grant
1987 Dom Moquereau Foundation Scholarship Grant
July '10 - Present, Assoc. Prof. of Music, Music Department, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN.
July '06 - June '10, Associate Professor of Music, Department Chair, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, IN.
July ‘00 – June '07, Associate Professor of Music, Wabash College,
Crawfordsville, IN.
July ‘96 – June ‘00, Assistant Professor of Music, MIT,
Cambridge, MA.
1995 – 1996, Lecturer in Music, University of California, San Diego,
1993 – 1995, Teaching Fellow in Ethnomusicology, University of California,
Los Angeles, CA.
1990 – 1993, Teaching Assistant in Ethnomusicology, University of
California, Los Angeles, CA.
1988 – 1990, Graduate Research Assistant, Ethnomusicology Archives,
University of California, Los Angeles, CA.
1981 – 1986, Lecturer, Institute of Teacher Education, Makerere
University, Kampala, Uganda.
1990 – 1996, Artist-in-Residence, Los Angeles Music Center, Schools’
Division, Los Angeles, CA.
1988 Summer, Music Specialist Instructor, St. John's Child Development
Center, Autistic Division, Washington, D.C.
1982 – 1986, Schools’ Music Curriculum Director, National
Curriculum Development Center, Ministry of Education, Uganda.
1979 – 1986, Resident Conductor and Artistic Director, Cacemcho,
Uganda National Choir.
Africa Network
Galpin Society
African Studies Association (ASA)
Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM)
International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM)
2003 to present, Active Performing member of the “Wu Man and Friends”
2006 to 2009, One of the founders and active members of the Flamingo Vibrations
1996 to 2009, Workshop Presenter and Instrumentalist, Kayaga of Africa
1992 to 2009, Founder and Artistic Director, Kiyira Ensemble
1989 to present, The African Troubadours, managed and organized by the
New York-based World Music Institute.
March 3-4. Traveled to Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada. Joined 2 professional performance colleagues that included: Wu Man, a Chinese-American
and Lee Knight, an Appallachian North American. Then from 7:30 to 9:00 PM, we performed a 90 min. concert at the university campus. The instruments we performed included: Wu Man on the Chinese pipa; Lee Knight on the Appallacian banjo and dulcimer; and James Makubuya on Ugandan {i}8-string bowl lyre (endongo); {ii}1-string tube fiddle (endingidi); {iii} 9-string bow harps (adungu apila and adungu oryemo); and {iv} a lamellaphone thumb piano (akogo).
June 14-July 28. Traveled to Rukungiri in Western Uganda and conducted a field research project on the enanga (trough zither) of the Bakiga.
March 17-20. Traveled to Washington D.C. to participate in the 22nd National Conference for the Asian Studies Development Program. The presentation I delivered at that conference was entitled “The Music of Japan: Its Roots, Changes, and Continuity.
May 20-27. Received a Mellon Mini Grant that enabled me to travel to Yokohama, Japan and participate in an intensive 8-day Japanese Taiko Drums Workshop & Research Project.
June 14 – July 28. Traveled to the East African nation of Uganda and conducted a six-week fieldwork participant research project on the enanga (trough zithers) of the Bakiga people in the southwestern region.
August 19. During the Wabash College Ides of August event, I presented a talk that reflected on my summer ’16 fieldwork project briefly mentioned above. The presentation was entitled “Zithers in East Africa: Their Roles as Windows into and Mirrors of Cultures they originate from.”
October 15-28. At the invitation of the Shanghai University, China, I traveled to China to participate in the Annual Beijing International Festival and Shanghai Lute Conference. At that festival and conference, I performed several folk instruments at cultural performances and conducted workshops in 5 different cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Yantai, Changsha, and Chongqing.
June 10-14. Traveled to Laos Prabang, Laos, Eastern Asia. Participated in the 20th Symposium of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM). Its focus was on the Study Group of Folk Musical Instruments. The talk/presentation I delivered at that ICTM Symposium was entitled “Folk Musical Instruments: Their Multi-disciplinary Roles as Mirrors and Windows.”
October 17. At the Africa Network Conference at Trinity University, San Antonio TX., I presented a paper entitled, “The Challenge/s of Teaching and Addressing Identity In African Music.”
November 14-17. At the Invitation of the national organizing committee of the Society for Ethnomusicology which I was part of, I directed Wamidan – the Wabash College World Music Performance Ensemble – that presented a 60 minute concert performance at the Annual Conference of Society for Ethnomusicology. This took place in Indianapolis, IN.
October 25-27. Presented a paper at the Africa Network annual conference that took place at the University of Denison, Granville, OH. As one of the 6 presenters on the panel the theme of which was "Teaching About Africa at Wabash College: A Multidisciplinary Approach," my 15 minutes presentation was entitled, "Understanding Africa Through Music and Dance."
October 16. At the Invitation as a Guest Speaker by NAfME - the National Association for Music Education (Chapter), I travelled to Ball State University at Muncie, IN. At their annual Chapter Collegiate conference, I presented (i) a 60 min Guest Lecture on the topic entitled, "Conducting Ethnographic Fieldwork Research"; then I conducted (ii) a 90-minute Workshop and Master Class on the pedagogical approaches for "Folk Instrumental Music, Song and Dance" using East African folk music types as case studies.
September 14. At the Invitation of the California Museum of Making Music, I traveled to Carlsbad, CA and participated in the then on-going "Harp Exhibition." My participation that included: (i) Presenting a 45 minute Lecture followed by (ii) a 45 minute Concert Performance were based on the topic, "The Adungu Bow Harp: Its Origins, Development, and Innovations."
August 23. On returning from the Ethnographic field research project I conducted in Uganda, I used PowerPoint presentation and summarily shared my research findings in this year's Ides of August event– An annual Wabash Faculty research-related presentations forum. The topic of my presentation was entitled, "The Hocketing Aerophones: The Analytical Examination of their Multi-directional Music-Cultural Significance."
July 8 –August 8. On receiving a 2nd New Development Initiative (NDI) Grant from the Great Lakes College Association, I traveled to East Africa and conducted Phase II of an Ethnographic Fieldwork on "Advanced Building of Folk Instruments: Aerophones Focus."
May 19-June 2. On receiving a Mellon Grant, I traveled to the University of Hawaii and participated in Part I of the East-West Center "Seminar on Asian Studies."
April 1. Contributed a Chapter to a Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Jacqueline Cogdell DjeDje. The Chapter I contributed is entitled "The Kiluka Chordophones: Their Sonic and Non-sonic Cultural Significance." The Festschrift is entitled Resiliency and Distinction: Beliefs, Endurance and Creativity in the Musical Arts of Continental and Diasporic Africa. (Edited by K.L. Browne and J.N. Kidula). Point Richmond, CA: MRI Press, 2013.
October 11-13. I attended the 66th Annual RMMLA – Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association – Convention
in Boulder, Colorado. Serving on the panel of four presenters that addressed the theme entitled Designing and Teaching Interdisciplinary Courses, the paper and topic I read and discussed at this conference panel was entitled "Instruments and Cultures: An Interdisciplinary Integration of Art, Design, Ethnomusicology and Physics."
August 17. Using PowerPoint presentation, I read a paper during this year's Ides of August – An annual Wabash Faculty research-related presentations forum. My presentation was entitled "Instruments and Cultures: An Undergraduate Interdisciplinary Course Covering Arts and Sciences."
July 2-August 9. When I received a New Development Initiative (NDI) Grant from the Great Lakes College Association, I traveled to East Africa and conducted Phase I of an Ethnographic Fieldwork project on "Advanced Building of Folk Instruments with a focus on Chordophones."
October 6. At the invitation as a Guest Speaker at the Ohio Wesleyan University’s 2011 Sagan National Colloquium, I gave a presentation entitled “African Musical Instruments: Their Musical Function and Contextual Significance.” This annual colloquium is intended to provide “a forum for students, faculty, and the general audience to examine, thematically, issues affecting the continent and, in the process, help dispel some of the negative stereotypes about the continent.” At this guest lecture, I presented the endongo (8-string bowl lyres) and other instruments including endingidi (1-string tube fiddles), adungu (9-string bow harps), akogo (thumb pianos), madinda (12-slab log xylophones), enkwanzi (panpipes), endere (flutes), and embuutu (drums) as case studies. The presentation took place at Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH.
September 22-25. Following the invitation by the Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, West Africa, I participated in the two-day International Festschrift Conference in Honor of Emeritus Professor J. H. Kwabena Nketia. At this conference, I made a PowerPoint presentation and read my paper entitled “African Folk Instruments: Reflections and Curators of Music Systems.”
September 19. At the invitation of Earlham College, Richmond, IN., I went and presented a guest ethnomusicology class lecture and interactive instrumental music workshop on the Folk music and dances of Uganda.
September 16-18. Participated in the annual Africa Network Conference that took place in Indianapolis, IN. Contributed and shared ideas with members on this year’s conference theme: “exploring the ways we change our pedagogies and research strategies as Africa itself undergoes tremendous changes.”
August 19. Using PowerPoint presentation, I read a paper during this year’s Ides of August – An annual Wabash Faculty research-related presentations forum. My presentation was entitled, “The Kaluki Chordophones: Their Meaning & Significance In, Around, and Beyond Sound.”
July 14-31. Traveled to Buganda, the south central region of the East African nation of Uganda. I spent two weeks there conducting ethnographic field research on three different but related chordophones. The ethnographic field project on these tube fiddles collectively referred to as “Kiluka” was conducted in the cultural tradition of the Baganda peoples.
July 5. At the Lew Wallace Museum, Crawfordsville, IN., I directed a whole day's Summer Workshop for elementary and high school students. I exposed and introduced them to basic performance skills on African drums and the Aije (harvest) community dance of the Acholi people
June 20-July 1. Received a National Endowment for the Humanities grant that enabled me to participate in the NEH Summer Institute at Wesleyan Univ. Middletown, CT.
June 15. Conducted a 2-hour Mid-Career workshop to the Mid-Career Theological School Faculty that came to the Wabash Center, Wabash College for a summer session. The workshop entitled “AENDINDO” Workshop focused on the cultural contextual function of three African chordophones in the respective cultures of the Alur, Baganda, and Basoga peoples. The three chordophones included adungu (bow harps) endingidi (tube fiddles), and endongo/entongooli (bowl lyres).
March 1. Wrote and sent a 1248-word article to EPMOW – the Encyclopedia of Popular Music of the Word. The East African popular music genre I wrote about and sent to EPMOW is entitled “Kadongo-kamu.” It is due to appear in this year’s encyclopedia series.
February 25-27, Participated in the Associated Colleges of the South (ACS) ACS-Mellon Teaching Seminar. Held at Davidson College, Davidson, N.C. The Theme of the Teaching Seminar was entitled, "Atlantic Africa: The Missing Link in Southern Culture." My Role was to conduct and direct the construction of Music syllabi with regard to filling in the Music of Atlantic Africa in the college courses.
November 11-14, at the 55th Annual Conference for the Society of Ethnomusicology, Los Angeles, CA., I read a paper and seved on the panel with the theme, "African Music in the American Academy: Challenges and Directions."
November 8-9, at the 50th Anniversary AlumniSymposium for the UCLA Ethnomuscology Department, Westwood, CA, I presented, read a paper and discussed my research findings with regard to "The Effects of Bi-musicality in Ethnomusicology Fieldwork."
August 6-8, during the summer weekend, I participated in the Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival in New Mexico. I did that by playing the adungu (9-string bow harp), and endongo (8-string bowl lyre), in collaboration with Wu Man on the pipa (Chinese lute), Lee Knight on the Applachian banjo and musical bow, as well as Julian Kytasty on the bandura (Ukranian lute).
On July 12, at the Lew Wallace Museum, Crawfordsville, IN., , I directed a whole day's Summer Workshop for elementary and high school students. I exposed and introduced them to basic performance skills on African drums and the Aije (harvest) community dance of the Acholi people.
On April 15-17, at the Annual Africa Network Conference, Denison University, Granville, OH., I presented and read a paper, "Building Courses on Africa in the Humanities and Fine Arts."I also served as a panelist on the same panel.
On January 22, at the invitation of the Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester, New York, USA, I performed a concert on three musical instruments. The three included: endongo (8-string bowl lyre),
adungu (9-string bow-harp), and endingidi (1-string tube fiddle). In this concert, I collaborated with Wu Man playing the pipa (Chines lute), and Lee Knight playing the Appalachian banjo and musical bow.
On July 11, at the Lew Wallace Museum, Crawfordsville, IN., I directed a whole day's Summer Workshop for elementary and high school students. I exposed and introduced them to basic performance skills on the madinda (12-slab log xylophone) of the Baganda.
April 16-19, at the International Africa Network Conference, Chicago, Ill, I presented and read a conference paper as well as serving as chair to the panel that discussed the theme, "Managing Performing Arts on College and University Campuses."
On March 19, at the invitation of the Kansas University, Kansas, I performeda concert on the endongo (8-string bowl lyre), adungu (9-string bow-harp), and endingidi (1-string tube fiddle). In this concert, I collaborated with Wu Man playing the pipa (Chinese lute), and Lee Knight playing the Appalachian banjo and musical bow.
On October 25, 2008, at Weber State University, Utah, I was invited as a key-note speaker at the University's annual festival this year entitled, "Musical Diversity." In addition to the talk I presented, I also conducted a workshop and gave a concert perfomance on three diverse cultural musical instruments. The three included: (a) endongo (8-string bowl lyre) of the Baganda people, (b) adungu (9-string bow harp) of the Alur people, and (c) endingidi (1-string tube fiddle) of the Basoga people.
In the summer of 2007, during the East African Annual Conference held in Kampala, Uganda under the Theme on Music Education in Schools, Universities and Colleges, my paper presentation that I read was entitled: "Pedagogical Approaches of Folk Instruments in the Diaspora."
October 28 -- School of Music, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
(USA). Presented a Lecture/Lecture Demonstration, "The
Adungu (Bow harps) of the Alur of Uganda: Their Evolution, Musical
and Contextual Functions."
April 7 -- Bergen Community College, New York/New Jersey,
NY/NJ. Guest Lecture Demonstration and Evening Concert
Performance on “Traditional Musical Instruments of Uganda:
A Broad Overview.”
April 6 -- Carnegie Hall, Zankel Theater, New York, NY.
Presented a Concert Performance on three Ugandan musical
instruments including: Adungu (bow harp), Endongo
(bowl lyre), and Endingidi (tube fiddle).
Aug. 3-10 -- 38th World Conference of the International Council
for Traditional Music. Sheffield, England, U.K. Presented a Paper,
“Reviving, Reconstructing, and Revitalizing Instrumental Music:
An Examination of New Roles for Ugandan Chordophones.”
October 16 -- Indiana Orff Schulwerk Association, Fishers, IN.
Conducted an 2-hour workshop to the association teachers
at their annual chapter conference.
October 5 -- Humanities Colloquium at Wabash College, IN.
Presented a Talk, “Music, A Powerful Creative Medium
for Mass Mobilization.”
September 2-6 -- International Council for Traditional Music Colloquium
at the University of Limerick, Ireland. Presented a Paper,
“Music and Discord, Articulation Resolution through Music.”
August 20 -- Ides of August at Wabash College.
Presented a Talk, “The Lyre Culture of East Africa.”
March 12 -- Trinity College of Music, London, UK. Presented
a two hour workshop on “The Art of Baakisimba Drumming
of the Baganda.”
February 28 -- Carnegie Hall, New York City.
Presented a Solo Performance in Zankel
Hall on five different traditional East African musical instruments including
endingidi (1-string tube fiddle), akogo (thumb piano),
amadinda (12 slab xylophone), adungu (9-string bow harp)
and endongo (8-string bowl lyre).
February 8 -- Kent State University, Stark Campus,
Stark, OH. Presented a Guest Lecture and Concert
Performance on the “Musical Cultures of Uganda.”
October 15 -- Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA,
Presented a Guest Lecture, “The Lyres of East Africa.”
October 15/16 -- Crossroads Professional Recording Co.,
New York City. Studio recording on endongo
and adungu with Wu Man the pipa (Chinese lute) virtuoso player.
September 27 -- Directed the Wabash College Wamidan World Music
performance ensemble at a concert performance at the
Annual Celtic Folk Festival, Cincinnati, OH., .
Summer -- International Folk Harp Conference HarpCon2003, Bloomington,
IN. Presented 2 Workshops entitled: “
Adungu (bow harp) Rhythms,” and “Advanced Improvisation
Styles on the Adungu.
March 20 -- University of Missouri, Kansas City,
MO. Presented a Guest Lecture to the Graduate
and Undergraduate classes on the “Music and Dance of Uganda.”
February 8 & 9 -- Annenberg Center, Pennsylvania State University
Philadelphia, PA., presented 2 workshops and
2 concert performances on the Music and Dance of East
Africa with a special focus on Ugandan cultures.
January 21 -- Wabash College Humanities Colloquium. Presented
a paper on “Engoma (Drums): The
Heart of A Culture in East Africa: Their Meaning and Significance in the
culture of the Baganda (people).
August 4-24 -- Directed a 3-week Faculty/Student Research project
in East Africa. Traveled to Uganda with a Wabash College student;
collaborated in the project of learning how to build Ugandan/African drums
under the apprenticeship of two traditional master musicians drum builders/makers.
July 1-4 -- 17th International Joint Conference by the Musicological
and Ethnomusicological Societies. Catholic University, Leuven,
Belgium. Read a Research Paper “The Migration of
Adungu”. Chaired two conference panels.
March 8-9 -- Bowling Green State University, OH. 2 Guest
Ethnomusicology/World Music Lecturers: Graduate and Undergraduate
classes. Presented a Lecture demonstration to University-wide
audience on the “Music and Dance of East Africa.”
March 22-23 -- Together with visiting artists - Kayaga of
Africa and Kiyira ensemble - presented a full-scale concert program
and two workshops to Wabash College, & Crawfordsville
elementary, middle and high schools.
October 28-29 -- Brooklyn Academy of Music, Brooklyn, NY.
Bang-on-A-Can Annual Festival,Concert Performance. Instrumental duet on
the endongo (bowl lyre) of Uganda and pipa (Chinese
lute) by Wu Man.
October 22-26 -- Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference.University
of Michigan, Ann Arbor and Detroit, MI. Panelist that discussed the “Role
of Academic World Music Performance Ensembles in Colleges.
September 1-3 -- 11th Ugandan National Convention. San Diego,
CA. Presented workshop and concert performance
with the Kayaga of Africa performance ensemble on the "Music and
Dance of Uganda."
August -- Ides of August, Wabash College Presented a
Paper “Endongo: Better Extinct than Different?”
July 1-8 -- 36th International Council for Traditional Music.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Presented a paper, “Endongo,
Bowl Lyre of the Baganda: Better Different than Extinct.” Organizer,
Conference Panel on the "Music of East Africa."
April 2-- Society for Ethnomusicology, Mid-Western Regional Chapter Conference;
University of Cincinnati, OH. Presented a Paper: "Kadongo-kamu:
The IndigenousPopular Music Genre of Uganda"
February 17 -- Louisiana State University, LA. Black
History Month, as a member of the Kiyira Trio, presented a full-scale
concert & lecture demonstration on "African
November 3-6 -- Annual Conference of the Society for Ethnomusicology.
Toronto, Canada. Presented a paper, “Kadongo-kamu:
Popular Music Genre of Uganda. ”
October 5-9 -- Elementary, middle, high schools, colleges and city of
Gillette. With members of the Kayaga of Africa and Kiyira performance
ensembles, conducted workshops and performed a full-scale
concert program on "African Music."
June 19 -- Directed the MIT African Music and Dance ensemble (MITCAN)
at the Boston Symphony Hall in a joint concert
performance with the Boston Pops.
March 15 -- Presented a paper, “Endere (reed flutes) of
the Baganda of Uganda” at the Annual Eastern Chapter Conference
of the Society for Ethnomusicology, held at Tufts University, Sommerville,
February 27 -- Solo Concert Performance on three different
instruments including endingidi, adungu, and ndongo
at the 15th Anniversary Gala Benefits Concert at the City of New
York, Town Hall at the invitation and organization by the World
Music Institute.
February 14 -- Concert Performance on the East African
Instrumental Music at the opening of the New England Aquarium
Adult Members’ evening. The concert program by the Kiyira
trio of which I was the artistic director featured five different musical
instruments including the madinda, ndongo, ndingidi, akogo, and
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