The Fate of the Christians

The Christians had an unusual fate befall them. Unlike the Cults of Artemis and Isis, they did not die out. For a long period of time the Christians were forced to hide from the Romans and struggle with other religions, and sometimes themselves, but that all changed. When Constantine became emperor of Rome, he was so taken by the Christian faith, that he made it the standard religion throughout the empire. The Christians could now worship in the open without fear of persecution. However, this change brought about the downfall and destruction of the Cult of Isis, with whom the Christians had religious tension. The Cult of Artemis also fell, but unlike the cult of Isis, these people converted to Christianity and were not destroyed. Christianity then grew in power and influence and is still alive today as one of the dominant religions in the world. Heresy is still watched for, just as it was then as can be seen here, but ultimately the worry is far less. Although numerous subgroups of Christians exist, based on different interpretations of the teachings, the unifying factors of old are still present, and the religion lives on up to this day.

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