Write a paper (c. 5-6 pp. or 1500-1800 words) in which you provide your own account of a particular sort of fallacy.
In doing this, you should:
• discuss at least two examples of the fallacy,
• indicate the features shared by these examples (and others of the same sort) that make this a fallacy, and
• consider one alternative to your account (e.g., a claim that this is not really a fallacy at all or that it is fallacious for a different reason).
I'll let you decide how broad or narrow a "sort" you choose to discuss. But it should be broad enough include examples beyond those you use to illustrate it, and you should be careful not to choose too big a topic for a paper of this length. (The size of the topic has no simple relation to the breadth of the sort you consider, but you should avoid a type of fallacy whose discussion would force you to distinguish subtypes>)
These are due class time on that Monday (unless you make special arrangements) but I'll be happy to accept them electronically (either as e-mail attachments or by way of Blackboard).