Phi 270 F96 part of quiz 4 and all of quiz 5 (of 6) in pdf format
(questions from these two tests addressed the part of the course your test is designed to cover)
4-4. Identify individual terms and quantifier phrases in the following sentence and indicate links between pronouns and their antecedents. (You can do this by marking up an English sentence; you are not being asked to provide a symbolic analysis.)
  Al called everyone who left him a message concerning the accident and told them he had seen it.
Analyze the following generalizations in as much detail as possible. Provide a key to the non-logical vocabulary (upper and lower case letters) appearing in your answer and restate the result using an unrestricted quantifier.
4-5. Every employee received the letter.
4-6. Among bystanders, Sam interviewed only soldiers.
Analyze the following sentences in as much detail as possible, providing a key to the non-logical vocabulary (upper and lower case letters) appearing in your answer.
5-1. If anyone guessed the number, the prize was awarded.
5-2. Everyone who worked on any part of the project was honored.
Synthesize an English sentence whose analysis would yield the following form.
5-3. (∀x: Px) ¬ ∀y Axy
[A: λxy (x ate y); P: λx (x is a person)]
Use derivations to establish the validity of the following arguments. You may use attachment rules.
∀x Fx
∀x Gx
∀x (Fx ∧ Gx)
(∀x: Fx) Rxa
(∀x: Rxa) ∀y Ryx
∀x (∀y: Fy) Rxy
5-6. Use a derivation to show that the following argument is not valid and describe a structure dividing one of the derivation's open gaps. (You will not need the rules UG+, RUG+, and ST introduced in §7.8 that are designed to avoid unending gaps.)
∀x Rxx
Rab → ∀x Rxa

Phi 270 F96 Answers to part of quiz 4 and all of quiz 5
Alcalledeveryone who lefthim a messageconcerningthe accidentand toldthem hehad seenit
T Q  Q T      
[it could instead have a message concerning the accident as its antecedent]
4-5. Every employee received the letter
Every employee is such that (he or she received the letter)
(∀x: x is an employee) x received the letter

(∀x: Ex) Rxl
∀x (Ex → Rxl)

[E: λx (x is an employee); R: λxy (x received y); l: the letter]
4-6. Among bystanders, Sam interviewed only soldiers
Among bystanders, only soldiers are such that (Sam interviewed them)
(∀x: x was a bystander ∧ ¬ x was a soldier) ¬ Sam interviewed x

(∀x: Bx ∧ ¬ Sx) ¬ Isx
∀x ((Bx ∧ ¬ Sx) → ¬ Isx)

[B: λx (x was a bystander); I: λxy (x interviewed y); S: λx (x was a soldier); s: Sam]
5-1. If anyone guessed the number, the prize was awarded
Everyone is such that (if he or she guessed the number, the prize was awarded)
(∀x: x is a person) (if x guessed the number, the prize was awarded)
(∀x: Px) (x guessed the numberthe prize was awarded)

(∀x: Px) (Gxn → Ap)

[P: λx (x is a person); G: λxy (x guessed y); n: the number]
5-2. Everyone who worked on any part of the project was honored
Every part of the project is such that (everyone who worked on it was honored)
(∀x: x is a part of the project) everyone who worked on x was honored
(∀x: Rxj) (∀y: y is a person who worked on x) y was honored
(∀x: Rxj) (∀y: y is a person ∧ y worked on x) Hy

(∀x: Rxj) (∀y: Py ∧ Wyx) Hy

[H: λx (x was honored); P: λx (x is a person); R: λxy (x is a part of y); W: λxy (x worked on y); j: the project]
5-3. (∀x: x is a person) ¬ ∀y x ate y
(∀x: x is a person) ¬ x ate everything
No one is such that (he or she ate everything)
No one ate everything
│∀x Fx a:2
│∀x Gx a:3
2 UI ││Fa (5)
3 UI ││Ga (6)
5 QED │││Fa 4
6 QED │││Ga 4
4 Cnj ││Fa ∧ Ga 1
1 UG │∀x (Fx ∧ Gx) 1
│(∀x: Fx) Rxa c:3
│(∀x: Rxa) ∀y Ryx c:4
│││ Fc (3)
3 SB │││Rca (4)
4 SB │││∀y Ryc b:5
5 UI │││Rbc (6)
6 QED │││Rbc 2
2 RUG ││(∀y: Fy) Rby 1
1 UG │∀x (∀y: Fy) Rxy
│∀x Rxx a:1,b:2,c:5
1 UI │Raa
2 UI │Rbb
5 UI │││Rcc
││││ ¬ Rca
││││ ○ Raa,Rab,Rbb,Rcc,¬Rca ⇏ ⊥
││││⊥ 6
6 IP │││Rca 4
4 UG ││∀x Rxa 3
3 CP │Rab → ∀x Rxa