Syllabus: addresses, requirements, calendar

Writing: Three 4-5 page papers. You will have the option of rewriting the first two. You can expect to have some freedom of choice in topics for all of them as well as suggestions of topics (assignment for paper 1, assignment for paper 2, assignment for paper 3). Default due dates are 2/16, 4/1, and 4/22; see below for my policy on due dates.

Discussion: Your discussion grade will be based on your participation in class discussion and some brief written assignments, a lecture report on each of the four lectures and notes from at least two classes.

Grading discussion: Your participation in class discussion will be primarily a product of my evaluation of your contribution to discussion and a factor reflecting your attendance. In evaluating your contribution to discussions, I’ll consider several factors:

• the degree to which you show careful attention to and thought about the material we are discussing

• the extent to which you direct attention to specific details or specific passages (so be sure to bring the readings book or other text to class)

• the connections you make with other parts of the course (e.g., lectures and other material we’ve discussed)

• the degree to which you help to make our discussions into conversations—by commenting on what other students have said, answering their questions, and (especially) asking them questions

Your discussion grade will also reflect your regularity and promptness in turning in lecture reports and discussion notes; and it could be lowered to reflect missed paper deadlines.

Attendance and due dates: To be excused from discussion, you will need a good reason (and the need to complete work for other classes is not a good reason). My standards for a good reason will be lower if you let me know in advance, and they may increase if you have been excused before. The due dates listed below are default dues dates, and I will be willing to negotiate and re-negotiate individual deadlines (within reason) if these are inconvenient. If you miss a deadline (either the default or an individual one), I will expect you to contact me promptly to either turn in the work or arrange a new deadline. My standards for excusing missed deadlines are comparable to those excusing missed discussions after the fact. Unexcused missed deadlines will tend to affect your discussion grade.