Jeremy - Here're all the pictures I've got on the machine right now. Some images are better than others, and some we've seen before, but it's a good place to start. To make things simpler (on me, that is) the images are rather simply named, and then identified below. There are a few more I'd like to scan and get to you, but they'd take much longer to get, so I guess they're out. a) "Saint Ignatios of Antioch" Anonymous Greek icon (No Date) b) Remains of Ancient Church c) Remains of the Theater of Caesar d) Remains of a Roman House e) Excavation of the "House Menander" f) "Bearded Male Head" Marble Statue (100 BC-100 AD) g) "Bust of Dionysus" Mosaic (300-350 AD) h) Remains of Aqueduct between Antioch and Daphne i) "Peacocks and Grapes" Mosaic (526-540 AD) j) Lion head waterspout Marble (ca. 200 AD) k) "Genius of the Pyramos River" Mosaic (ca. 100 AD) l) Persian-style rams' heads Mosaic (400-450 AD) m) Remains of curse-tablet of Thaumasios of Antioch