
COACH.JPG (8364 bytes)

Pre-goatee me as guest first base coach for the Wabash baseball team.

Baseball is probably my favorite sport; the St. Louis Cardinals are my favorite team, back to the '67 Series, through the great teams of the mid-80s, to the powerhouse 2004 edition and on to the present scrappy fun teams of the ongoing Pujols era.
I used to like football more than I do now, but I still enjoy it. The Oakland Raiders are/were my favorites, dating back to Super Bowl II -- the 70s were the glory days: the Raiders I really loved were the Shell-Upshaw-Dalby- Buehler-Vella teams.  I’m now, post-Katrina, more inclined to root for my hometown New Orleans Saints, my brother’s favorite team.
I grew up around the Tulane campus, and Tulane Sports -- especially baseball and basketball -- still holds interest for me.
I like playing basketball more than watching it; my other favorite sport is cricket.