Recent Publications (.pdfs)
Horton & Sedikides (2009). Narcissistic responding to ego threat: When the status of the evaluator matters. Journal of Personality.
Montoya, Horton, & Kirchner (2008). Is actual similarity necessary for attraction? A meta-analysis of actual and perceived similarity. Journal of Social and Personality Relationships.
Sedikides, Horton, & Gregg (2007). Curtailing self-enhancement with explanatory introspection. Journal of Personality.
Horton, Bleau, & Drwecki (2006). Parenting narcissus: What are the links between parenting and narcissism? Journal of Personality.
Montoya & Horton (2004). On the importance of cognitive evaluation as a determinant of interpersonal attraction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Horton (2003). Similarity and attractiveness in social perception: Differentiating between biases for the self and the beautiful.
Reference List for Montoya, Horton, & Kirchner (2008) Meta-Analysis of the Similarity Effect
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