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1/21/2004 10:17 AM 204800 BaccusImplicitSE.doc
10/2/2006 8:53 AM 1487877 baumeister and heatherton.pdf
1/7/2004 1:54 PM 6454675 baumeister and leary.pdf
10/31/2005 11:41 AM 280398 Baumeister public interest self-esteem.pdf
1/8/2004 1:06 PM 840508 baumeister schlenker response.pdf
8/28/2005 8:58 PM 1370711 Baumeister self as problem.pdf
1/7/2004 2:44 PM 2472303 baumrind.pdf
11/13/2005 2:34 PM 1215186 Bushman and Baumeister.pdf
11/13/2005 2:51 PM 546124 Bushman, Donacci, sexual coercion.pdf
1/8/2004 12:54 PM 1815422 butler and baumchokingpdf.pdf
1/5/2004 5:52 PM 1441182 buunk and others.pdf
1/12/2004 4:06 PM 3424802 colvin and block against taylor.pdf
1/12/2004 3:53 PM 425760 cultural differences in biases.pdf
4/1/2004 2:17 PM 4144488 dark side of high se.pdf
1/7/2004 2:09 PM 2242185 donahue divided self.pdf
8/11/2005 3:57 PM 281328 donnellan low se and aggression.pdf
9/6/2006 9:47 AM 357891 Dunning heath and suls flawed.pdf
3/23/2004 10:43 AM 170433 elliot self-handicapping.pdf
1/9/2004 11:10 AM 2840279 gaertner and constantine.pdf
1/5/2004 5:44 PM 2232004 gibbons and buunk.pdf
7/12/2006 11:12 AM 68290 Heine reply.pdf
1/6/2004 10:01 AM 2238162 Higgins.pdf
8/22/2006 3:26 PM 474484 James Principles of Psychology.pdf
10/25/2005 2:35 PM 290710 jones let me count the j's.pdf
1/7/2004 2:24 PM 1313933 klein and loftus neuroscience.pdf
1/7/2004 2:22 PM 2766577 klein and loftus.pdf
10/19/2006 11:49 AM 1057918 Leary risking life and limb.pdf
1/5/2004 5:42 PM 1300073 lockwood and kunda.pdf
11/2/2006 3:15 PM 4398628 maternal depression.pdf
1/5/2004 12:23 PM 3204670 mcadams.pdf
9/4/2006 3:28 PM 942417 medvec and others medalists.pdf
1/7/2004 2:11 PM 120310 morf and rhodewalt.pdf
10/2/2006 8:51 AM 1613107 Muraven self-regulatoin.pdf
1/7/2004 2:01 PM 960469 pelham and swann sources.pdf
10/25/2005 2:34 PM 129148 pelham, mirenberg, and jones implicit egotism.pdf
8/25/2006 9:26 AM 793322 Pinker readings.pdf
11/6/2005 2:11 PM 716130 pyszczynki and colleagues 1989.pdf
11/6/2005 2:09 PM 758693 pyxzczynski and greenberg 1985.pdf
1/8/2004 1:04 PM 705737 schlenker response.pdf
1/8/2004 12:59 PM 2020427 schlenkerchoking.pdf
10/25/2006 11:55 AM 418492 sedikides genes and self esteem.pdf
7/12/2006 11:12 AM 171411 sedikides pancultural.pdf
7/12/2006 11:11 AM 97185 sedikides reply to heine.pdf
11/13/2005 2:36 PM 125733 Sedikides, rudich, and others.pdf
1/12/2004 4:05 PM 2642223 self-focused rumination.pdf
9/24/2006 4:42 PM 968854 self-image and dissonance.pdf
1/7/2004 2:14 PM 309097 selfneuroscience.pdf
1/9/2004 10:57 AM 839262 snyderpersonnel selection.pdf
1/6/2004 9:59 AM 1328974 straumanndisc.pdf
1/7/2004 1:56 PM 879410 swanncrossfire.pdf
1/7/2004 1:58 PM 2614708 swannverification.pdf
7/12/2006 1:19 PM 901692 taylor and brown response.pdf
11/17/2004 10:17 AM 1920304 taylor and Brown.pdf
11/15/2006 2:56 PM 138337 taylor selfenhancer profile.pdf
1/7/2004 1:45 PM 81496 taylorbiological.pdf