Philosophy 490: Departmental Seminar
Spring 2004—Glen Helman and Cheryl Hughes
Offices, phones, and e-mail:
Discussion of philosophical literature: This will occupy most class meetings during the first part of the semester. Regular, prepared, and active participation in the discussion is expected.
Paper: You will work with your advisor to develop a plan of research and prepare a substantial paper (on the order of 15-20 pages) for discussion by the class. The process of preparing the paper has a number of steps.
In consultation with your advisor, you will finalize the description of your project and choose a reading related to your project for class discussion in the first part of the semester; you will also briefly introduce your project to the class the day of that discussion. A 1 page written prospectus for the project is due 1/21.
We will expect you to meet with your advisor regularly and your advisor may ask you to produce preliminary written work. You will in any case give an interim report on your project in the weeks just before or after spring break; and, by that time, you will have turned in a 2-3 page outline or comparable plan for your paper together with an annotated list of sources. The due date for this will be set by your advisor.
A full draft of your paper will be due to your advisor Friday of the third week before the discussion of your paper.
A final draft of the paper will be due for copying at noon the day of the class before the discussion of your paper.
You will lead a class discussion of your paper.
Your advisor may recommend that the paper be revised in light of the class discussion.
Evaluation: paper 50%, participation 50% (participation in discussion and active engagement in the process of producing your paper).