Phi 270
Fall 2013
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8.3.x. Exercise questions


Analyze the following in as much detail as possible.

a. If Oswald didn’t shoot Kennedy, someone else did.
b. No one but Frank saw Sue.
c. Ed and only Ed was awake.
d. Everyone except Tom, Dick, and Harry arrived early.
e. Adam and another officer thanked everyone else.
f. At least two things went wrong.
g. Bill spoke to at most one person.
h. Just one thing will do.
i. Ann saw more than one assassin.
j. Ann saw exactly two assassins.

Synthesize idiomatic English sentences that express the propositions associated with the logical forms below using the intensional interpretations that follow them.

a. Ft(ht) ∧ (∃x: ¬ x = ht) Ltx
F: [ _ found _ ]; L: [ _ lost _ ]; h: [ _’s hat]; t: Tom
b. (∃x: Px) (∃y: Py ∧ ¬ y = x) Sxy
P: [ _ is a person]; S: [ _ spoke to _ ]
c. (∀x: Px ∧ ¬ x = m) ¬ Rsx
P: [ _ is a person]; R: [ _ recognized _ ]; m: Mary; s: Sam
d. (∃x: Sx) Ox ∧ ¬ (∃x: Sx) (∃y: Sy ∧ ¬ y = x) (Ox ∧ Oy)
S: [ _ is a store]; O: [ _ was open]
Glen Helman 01 Aug 2013