Phi 270
Fall 2013
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2.3.xa. Exercise answers

│A (2)
2 QED ││A 1
││○ A ⊭ B
││B 1
1 Cnj │A ∧ B
│A ∧ B 1
1 Ext │A (4),(6)
1 Ext │B (5)
4 QED ││A 2
5 QED │││B 3
6 QED │││A 3
3 Cnj ││B ∧ A 2
2 Cnj │A ∧ (B ∧ A)
│B ∧ E 1
│C ∧ ⊤ 2
1 Ext │B (5)
1 Ext │E
2 Ext │C (7)
2 Ext │⊤
│││○ B, C, E, ⊤ ⊭ A
│││A 4
5 QED │││B 4
4 Cnj ││A ∧ B 3
7 QED │││C 6
│││○ B, C, E, ⊤ ⊭ D
│││D 6
6 Cnj ││C ∧ D 3
3 Cnj │(A ∧ B) ∧ (C ∧ D)

This derivation could have been ended after stage 4 when the first open gap has reached a dead end. Often answers will show a derivation continued further than necessary in order to show how the further steps would have worked out. The counterexample confirmed here lurks in both dead-end gaps; there are others that lurk in only one of the two. Notice that ⊤ is not assigned a value at the left of the table. Since its value is fixed by the stipulation that it is a tautology, a value need not and cannot be assigned to it as part of an extensional interpretation.

│A ∧ B 1
│B ∧ C 2
│B ∧ D 3
1 Ext │A (5)
1 Ext │B
2 Ext │B
2 Ext │C
3 Ext │B
3 Ext │D (6)
5 QED ││A 4
6 QED ││D 4
4 Cnj │A ∧ D

Clearly, there is redundancy in the active resources of the gaps after stage 3 of this derivation. Since both gaps close, the exploitation of the second premise at stage 2 is not necessary (though it would be necessary before any gap could reach a dead end). It would be possible to state rules so that the resource B was not repeated at stages 2 and 3, but such repetition does not ordinarily enlarge derivations significantly and makes it easier to check whether rules have been applied fully and correctly.

│A (6)
│B ∧ A 1
│D (7)
1 Ext │B (5)
1 Ext │A
5 QED ││B 2
││││○ A,B,D ⊭ C
││││C 4
6 QED ││││A 4
4 Cnj │││C ∧ A 3
7 QED │││D 3
3 Cnj ││(C ∧ A) ∧ D 2
2 Cnj │B ∧ ((C ∧ A) ∧ D)
Glen Helman 01 Aug 2013