Phi 270
Fall 2013
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Phi 270 F04 test 1

F04 test 1 topics

The following are the topics to be covered. The proportion of the test covering each will approximate the proportion of the classes so far that have been devoted to that topic. Your homework and the collection of old tests will provide specific examples of the kinds of questions I might ask.

Basic concepts of deductive logic. You will be responsible for entailment (or validity) and implication, equivalence, tautologousness, absurdity, and inconsistency. You should be able to define each in terms of possible worlds and truth values, and you should be prepared to answer questions about them, justifying your answer by reference to the definitions.

Implicature. Be able to define it and distinguish it from implication. Be able to give examples and explain them. Be ready to answer questions about it, justifying your answer by reference to its definition.

Analysis. Be able to analyze the logical form of a sentence as fully as possible using conjunction and present the form in both symbolic and English notation (that is, with the logical-and symbol ∧ and with the both … and … way of expressing forms).

Derivations. Be able to construct derivations to show that entailments hold and to show that they fail. I may tell you in advance whether an entailment holds or leave it to you to check that using derivations. There may be some derivations where the new rule Adj would be convenient to use but, of course, it is never necessary. You should be ready to use EFQ and ENV as well as Ext, Cnj, and QED; but derivations involving the latter three are much more likely.

F04 test 1 questions


Define inconsistency by completing the following: Γ is inconsistent (i.e., Γ ⊨) if and only if … . (Your answer need not replicate the wording of the text’s definitions, but it should define inconsistency in terms of the ideas of truth values and possible worlds. Remember that Γ is a set, not a sentence, so it does not have a truth value; but any members of it are sentences and have truth values.)


Define equivalence by completing the following: φ ≃ ψ if and only if … . (Your answer need not replicate the wording of the text’s definitions, but it should define equivalence in terms of the ideas of truth values and possible worlds.)


Suppose you know that (i) φ ⊨ ψ (i.e., φ entails ψ), (ii) ψ ⊨ χ (i.e., ψ entails χ), and (iii) ψ is true (in the actual world). What, if anything, can you conclude about the truth values of φ and χ (in the actual world)? Be sure to say what can be known about each of φ and χ and be sure to explain your answers in terms of the definition of entailment.


Suppose that φ implies ψ and also that φ implicates χ. Which of the following patterns of truth values are ruled out and which are permitted by the cited relations among the three sentences? Explain your answer using the definitions of implication and implicature.

φ ψ χ
(a) T T F
(b) T F T
(c) T F F

Analyze the sentence below in as much detail as possible, presenting the result in both symbolic and English notation (i.e., using bothand). Be sure that the unanalyzed components of your answer are complete and independent sentences; also try to respect any grouping in the English.

  5. Ed tried the door, but it was locked; however, the window was open, and he climbed through it

Use derivations to check whether each of the claims of entailment below holds. If an entailment fails, confirm a counterexample by providing a table in which you calculate the truth values of the premises and conclusion on an extensional interpretation (i.e., an assignment of truth values) that is a counterexample lurking in an open gap. Do not use the rule Adj in the first derivation, but you may use it in the second.

  6. A ∧ C, B ∧ D ⊨ B ∧ (C ∧ D)
  7. A ∧ (B ∧ C) ⊨ (A ∧ B) ∧ (C ∧ D)

F04 test 1 answers


Γ is inconsistent (i.e., Γ ⊨) if and only if there is no possible world in which all members of Γ are true. (Or: … if and only if, in each possible world, at least one member of Γ is false.)


φ ≃ ψ if and only if there is no possible world in which φ and ψ have different truth values. (Or: … if and only if, in each possible world, φ has the same truth value as ψ.)


You know that χ is true because you know that ψ is true and also that χ must be true in every possible world in which ψ is true (because ψ ⊨ χ). However, you know nothing about the truth value of φ because, while you know that ψ is true if φ is (because φ ⊨ ψ), it may be that ψ is true also in some cases in which φ is false.


Patterns (b) and (c) are ruled out but (a) is not. Since φ implies ψ, it cannot be true when ψ is false; that rules out (b) and (c) but not (a). And, while a sentence with a false implicature is inappropriate and misleading, it may be true; therefore, the fact that φ implicates χ rules out no pattern of truth values for the two.


Ed tried the door, but it was locked; however, the window was open, and he climbed through it

Ed tried the door, but it was locked ∧ the window was open, and Ed climbed through it

(Ed tried the door ∧ the door was locked) ∧ (the window was open ∧ Ed climbed through the window)

(T ∧ L) ∧ (O ∧ C)
both both T and L and both O and C

C: Ed climbed through the window; L: the door was locked; O: the window was open; T: Ed tried the door

│A ∧ C 1
│B ∧ D 2
1 Ext │A
1 Ext │C (6)
2 Ext │B (5)
2 Ext │D (7)
5 QED ││B 3
6 QED │││C 4
7 QED │││D 4
4 Cnj ││C ∧ D 3
3 Cnj │B ∧ (C ∧ D)
│A ∧ (B ∧ C) 1
1 Ext │A (5)
1 Ext │B ∧ C 2
2 Ext │B (6)
2 Ext │C (8)
5 QED │││A 4
6 QED │││B 4
4 Cnj ││A ∧ B 3
8 QED │││C 7
│││○ A, B, C ⊭ D
│││D 7
7 Cnj ││C ∧ D 3
3 Cnj │(A ∧ B) ∧ (C ∧ D)