Phi 270 Fall 2013 |
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Requirements: Grades will be based primarily on 4 tests during the semester and a 5th test during the final exam period (18% each). Each is primarily devoted to the portion of the course since the previous test; however, the material in the course is naturally cumulative, and, in addition, a portion of the final test will consist of questions that are specifically designed to look back to earlier parts of the course. The rest of your grade (10%) will reflect your class attendance and participation and the frequency with which you have handed in homework assignments.
Attendance and homework: You will be automatically excused from a class if you notify me in advance that you will miss it (e-mail or voice-mail messages are fine). After the fact, you will be excused if you give me a good reason or a dean’s excuse.
I don’t credit homework that I receive late (i.e., after the beginning of the class when it is due), so (depending on the circumstances) I may ask you to submit homework in advance if you arrange to miss a class; an excuse sufficient to excuse you from class after the fact is sufficient to excuse you from the homework due that day. But even if homework will not be credited, I encourage you to submit it for feedback, and I will be happy (even delighted) to give you feedback on exercises I haven’t assigned as homework.
Homework assignments will be made in class and are due at the beginning of the next class. If you miss a class, I’ll expect you to seek out the homework assignment for the next class. I’ll be happy to respond to e-mail and phone calls about this, but the assignments should be posted on the class web site by the time of the class on which they are assigned (but sometimes I forget—so don’t count on finding them at the last minute).