A.4. Derivation rules

Basic system

Rules for developing gaps
logical form as a
as a
¬ φ
(if φ not atomic
& goal is ⊥)
φ ∧ ψ
Ext Cnj
φ ∨ ψ
φ → ψ
(if goal is ⊥)
∀x θx
∃x θx

In addition, if the conditions for applying a rule are met except for differences between co-aliases, then the rule can be applied and is notated by adding "="; QED= and Nc= are examples of this.

Rules for closing gaps
when to close rule
co-aliases resources goal  
  φ φ QED
φ and ¬ φ Nc
τ—υ   τ = υ EC
τ—υ ¬ τ = υ DC
τ1—υ1, …, τn—υn 1…τn 1…υn QED=
τ1—υ1, …, τn—υn 1…τn
¬ Pυ1…υn
Detachment rules (optional)
required resources rule
main auxiliary
φ → ψ φ MPP
¬± ψ MTT
φ ∨ ψ ¬± φ or ¬± ψ MTP
¬ (φ ∧ ψ) φ or ψ MPT

Additional rules (not guaranteed to be progressive)

Attachment rules
added resource rule
φ ∧ ψ Adj
φ → ψ Wk
φ ∨ ψ Wk
¬ (φ ∧ ψ) Wk
τ = υ CE
θυ1…υn Cng
∃x θx EG
Rule for lemmas
prerequisite rule
the goal is ⊥ LFR


Rules from chapter 2

Extraction (Ext)

│φ ∧ ψ
│φ ∧ ψ n
n Ext ││φ
n Ext ││ψ

Conjunction (Cnj)

││φ ∧ ψ
│││φ n
│││ψ n
n Cnj││φ ∧ ψ

Quod Erat Demonstrandum (QED)

│φ [available]
│φ (n)
n QED ││φ

Ex Nihilo Verum (ENV)

n ENV ││⊤

Ex Falso Quodlibet (EFQ)

│⊥ (n)
n EFQ ││φ

Adjunction (Adj)

│φ [available]
│ψ [available]
│φ (n)
│ψ (n)
n Adj ││φ ∧ ψX

Lemma for Reductio (LFR)

│││φ n
│││⊥ n
n LFR││⊥

Rules from chapter 3

Indirect Proof (IP)

││φ [atomic]
│││¬ φ
│││⊥ n
n IP ││φ

Completing the Reductio (CR)

│¬ φ [φ is not atomic]
│¬ φ n
│││φ n
n CR ││⊥

Reductio ad Absurdum (RAA)

││¬ φ
│││⊥ n
n RAA ││¬ φ

Non-contradiction (Nc)

│¬ φ [available]
│φ [available]
│¬ φ (n)
│φ (n)
n Nc ││⊥

Rules from chapter 4

Proof by Cases (PC)

│φ ∨ ψ
│φ ∨ ψ n
│││χ n
│││χ n
n PC ││χ

Proof of Exhaustion (PE)

││φ ∨ ψ
│││¬± φ
│││ψ n
n PE ││φ ∨ ψ
│││¬± ψ
│││φ n
n PE ││φ ∨ ψ

Modus Tollendo Ponens (MTP)

│¬± φ [available]
│φ ∨ ψ
│¬± φ (n)
│φ ∨ ψ n
n MTP ││ψ
│¬± ψ [available]
│φ ∨ ψ
│¬± ψ (n)
│φ ∨ ψ n
n MTP ││φ

Modus Ponendo Tollens (MPT)

│φ [available]
│¬ (φ ∧ ψ)
│φ (n)
│¬ (φ ∧ ψ) n
n MPT ││¬± ψ
│ψ [available]
│¬ (φ ∧ ψ)
│ψ (n)
│¬ (φ ∧ ψ) n
n MPT ││¬± φ

Weakening (Wk)

│φ [available]
│φ (n)
n Wk ││φ ∨ ψ X
│ψ [available]
│ψ (n)
n Wk ││φ ∨ ψ X

Weakening (Wk)

│¬± φ [available]
│¬± φ (n)
n Wk ││¬ (φ ∧ ψ) X
│¬± ψ [available]
│¬± ψ (n)
n Wk ││¬ (φ ∧ ψ) X

Rules from chapter 5

Rejecting a Conditional (RC)

│φ → ψ
│φ → ψ n
│││φ n
│││⊥ n
n RC ││⊥

Conditional Proof (CP)

││φ → ψ
│││ψ n
n CP ││φ → ψ

Modus Ponendo Ponens (MPP)

│φ [available]
│φ → ψ
│φ (n)
│φ → ψ n
n MPP ││ψ

Modus Tollendo Tollens (MTT)

│¬± ψ [available]
│φ → ψ
│¬± ψ (n)
│φ → ψ n
n MTT ││¬± φ

Weakening (Wk)

│ψ [available]
│ψ (n)
n Wk ││φ → ψ X

Weakening (Wk)

│¬± φ [available]
│¬± φ (n)
n Wk ││φ → ψ X

Rules from chapter 6

Equated Co-aliases (EC)

│[τ and υ are co-aliases]
││τ = υ
│[τ and υ are co-aliases]
n EC ││τ = υ

Distinguished Co-aliases (DC)

│[τ and υ
│    are co-aliases]
│¬ τ = υ
│[τ and υ
│    are co-aliases]
│¬ τ = υ (n)
n DC ││⊥

QED given equations (QED=)

│[τ1…τn and
│   υ1…υn are
│   co-alias series]
│[τ1…τn and
│   υ1…υn are
│   co-alias series]
│Pτ1…τn (n)
n QED= ││Pυ1…υn
Note: Two series of terms are co-alias series when their corresponding members are co-aliases.

Non-contradiction given equations (Nc=)

│[τ1…τn and υ1…υn
│    are co-alias series]
│¬ Pτ1…τn
│[τ1…τn and υ1…υn
│    are co-alias series]
│¬ Pτ1…τn (n)
│Pυ1…υn (n)
n Nc= ││⊥
Note: Two series of terms are co-alias series when their corresponding members are co-aliases.

Co-alias Equation (CE)

│[τ and υ
│    are co-aliases]
│[τ and υ
│    are co-aliases]
n CE ││τ = υ X

Congruence (Cng)

│[τ1…τn and υ1…υn
│    are co-alias series]
│[τ1…τn and υ1…υn
│    are co-alias series]
│θτ1…τn (n)
n Cng ││θυ1…υn X
Note: θ can be an abstract, so θτ1…τn and θυ1…υn are any formulas that differ only in the occurrence of terms and in which the corresponding terms are co-aliases.

Rules from chapter 7

Universal Instantiation (UI)

│∀x …x…
│∀x …x… τ:n
n UI ││…τ…

Universal Generalization (UG)

││∀x …x…
│││…a… n
n UG ││∀x …x…

Rules from chapter 8

Proof by Choice (PCh)

│∃x θx
│∃x θx n
│││φ n
n PCh ││φ

Non-constructive Proof (NcP)

││∃x θx
│││∀x ¬± θx
│││⊥ n
n NcP ││∃x θx

Existential Generalization (EG)

│θτ (n)
n EG ││∃x θx X
Glen Helman 01 Oct 2012