Phi 270 F09 test 2

Analyze each sentence below in as much detail as possible, presenting the result in both symbols and English notation. Provide a key to your abbreviations of unanalyzed components, and be sure that they are complete and independent sentences. Try to respect any grouping in the English.


Either the demand was greater than expected or the backup unit wasn’t ready.


Ann and Bill were not both notified, but neither needed a reminder.


Synthesize an English sentence (the more idiomatic the better) that has the following analysis:


¬ S ∧ T (S: Sam heard the siren; T: Tom heard the siren)


Use derivations to check whether each of the claims of entailment below holds. If one fails, present a counterexample by providing a table in which you calculate the truth values of the premises and conclusion on an extensional interpretation (i.e., an assignment of truth values) that divides an open gap.

Do not use attachment or detachment rules in 4-6. That is, do not use Adj or the rules MTP, MPT, and Wk of §4.3; instead use only the basic rules for exploiting resources, planning for goals, and closing gaps.

4. ¬ B ⊨ ¬ (A ∧ B)
  5. ¬ (A ∧ B) ⊨ B
  6. (A ∧ B) ∨ (B ∧ C) ⊨ B

You may use attachment and detachment rules in 7. They can be used to shorten the derivation somewhat; but, of course, it can also be completed without using them.

  7. B, ¬ (B ∧ C) ⊨ ¬ C ∨ A

Phi 270 F08 test 2 answers

Either the demand was greater than expected or the backup unit wasn’t ready

the demand was greater than expectedthe backup unit wasn’t ready

the demand was greater than expected ∨ ¬ the backup unit was ready

G ∨ ¬ B
either G or not B
B: the backup unit was ready; G: the demand was greater than expected

Ann and Bill were not both notified, but neither needed a reminder

Ann and Bill were not both notified ∧ neither Ann nor Bill needed a reminder

¬ Ann and Bill were both notified ∧ ¬ either Ann or Bill needed a reminder

¬ (Ann was notified ∧ Bill was notified) ∧ ¬ (Ann needed a reminder ∨ Bill needed a reminder)

¬ (A ∧ B) ∧ ¬ (N ∨ L)
both not both A and B and not either N or L
A: Ann was notified; B: Bill was notified; L: Bill needed a reminder; N: Ann needed a reminder

[¬ A ∨ ¬ B is also correct for the first conjunct and ¬ N ∧ ¬ L is correct for the second]


¬ S ∧ T (S: Sam heard the siren; T: Tom heard the siren)

¬ Sam heard the siren ∧ Tom heard the siren

¬ Sam heard the siren ∧ Tom heard the siren

Sam didn’t hear the siren ∧ Tom heard the siren

Sam didn’t hear the siren, but Tom did

│¬ B(3)
││A ∧ B2
2 Ext││A
2 Ext││B(3)
3 Nc││⊥1
1 RAA│¬ (A ∧ B)
│¬ (A ∧ B)2
││¬ B
│││││¬ A
│││││○¬ A, ¬ B ⊭ ⊥
4 IP││││A3
│││││¬ B
│││││○¬ B ⊭ ⊥
5 IP││││B3
3 Cnj│││A ∧ B2
2 CR││⊥1
1 IP│B

The first interpretation divides both gaps; the second is another way of dividing the second gap.

  A  B    ¬ (A ∧ B)  /  B 
  F  F     F       
  T  F     F       
│(A ∧ B) ∨ (B ∧ C)1
││A ∧ B2
2 Ext││A
2 Ext││B(3)
3 QED││B1
││B ∧ C4
4 Ext││B(5)
4 Ext││C
5 QED││B1
1 PC│B
7. There are many possible answers; the following are only two samples:
│¬ (B ∧ C)1
1 MPT│¬ C(2)
2 Wk│¬ C ∨ AX, (3)
3 QED│¬ C ∨ A
│¬ (B ∧ C)3
│││¬ A
5 QED│││││B4
6 QED│││││C4
4 Cnj││││B ∧ C3
3 CR│││⊥2
2 IP││A1
1 PE│¬ C ∨ A