If anyone relayed the message to everyone, then no one understood every part of it
(∀x: x is a person) if x relayed the message to everyone, then no one understood every part of it
(∀x: Px) (x relayed the message to everyone → no one understood every part of the message)
(∀x: Px) ((∀y: y is a person) x relayed the message to y → (∀z: z is a person) ¬ z understood every part of the message)
(∀x: Px) ((∀y: Py) x relayed the message to y → (∀z: Pz) ¬ (∀w: w is a part of the message) z understood w)
(∀x: Px) ((∀y: Py) Rxmy → (∀z: Pz) ¬ (∀w: Twm) Uzw)
P: [ _ is a person]; R: [ _ relayed _ to _ ]; T: [ _ is a part of _ ]; U: [ _ understood _ ]; m: the message