Neither the house nor the apartment was both cheap and roomy
¬ either the house or the apartment was both cheap and roomy
¬ (the house was both cheap and roomy ∨ the apartment was both cheap and roomy)
¬ ((the house was cheap ∧ the house was roomy) ∨ (the apartment was cheap ∧ the apartment was roomy))
¬ ((C ∧ R) ∨ (H ∧ M))
not either both C and R or both H and M
C: the house was cheap; H: the apartment was cheap; R: the house was roomy; M: the apartment was roomy
¬ (C ∧ R) ∧ ¬ (H ∧ M) and (¬ C ∨ ¬ R) ∧ (¬ H ∨ ¬ M) are also equivalent (though further from the English); however, (¬ C ∧ ¬ R) ∧ (¬ H ∧ ¬ M) is not equivalent to these sentences. The latter is equivalent to ¬ (C ∨ R) ∧ ¬ (H ∨ M) and ¬ ((C ∨ R) ∨ (H ∨ M)), and those sentences say: neither the house nor the apartment was either cheap or roomy.