Only people who'd read everything the author had written were asked to review the book
Only people who'd read everything the author had written are such that (they were asked to review the book)
(∀x: ¬ x is a person who'd read everything the author had written) ¬ x was asked to review the book
(∀x: ¬ (x is a person ∧ x had read everything the author had written)) ¬ Axb
(∀x: ¬ (x is a person ∧ everything the author had written is such that (x had read it))) ¬ Axb
(∀x: ¬ (Px ∧ (∀y: y is a thing the author had written) x had read y)) ¬ Axb
(∀x: ¬ (Px ∧ (∀y: the author had written y) Rxy)) ¬ Axb
(∀x: ¬ (Px ∧ (∀y: Way) Rxy)) ¬ Axb
[A: λxy (x was asked to review y); P: λx (x is a person); R: λxy (x had read y); R: λxy (x had written y); a: the author; b: the book]