Phi 270 F98 part of quiz 4 and all of quiz 5 (of 6) in pdf format
(questions from these two tests addressed the part of the course your test is designed to cover)
4-5. Identify individual terms and quantifier phrases in the following sentence and indicate links between pronouns and their antecedents. (You can do this by marking up an English sentence; you are not being asked to provide a symbolic analysis.)
Sam ordered a book, but instead of it he received a book he didn't want.
4-6. Analyze the following generalization in as much detail as possible. Provide a key to the non-logical vocabulary (upper and lower case letters) appearing in your answer.
  No one saw the book that was lying on the table.
Analyze the following sentences in as much detail as possible, providing a key to the non-logical vocabulary (upper and lower case letters) appearing in your answer.
5-1. No one except numismatists understood the joke
5-2. The movie delighted all boys and girls
5-3. If anyone relayed the message to everyone, then no one understood every part of it
Use derivations to establish the validity of the following arguments. You may use attachment rules.
∀x (Fx ∨ Gx)
∀x ¬ Gx
∀x Fx
(∀x: Fx) (∀y: Pxy) Rxy
∀y (∀x: Fx ∧ Pxy) Rxy
5-6. Use a derivation to show that the following argument is not valid and describe a structure dividing one of the derivation's open gaps.
(∀x: Fx) ¬ Rxx
∀x (∀y: Fy) ¬ Rxy

Phi 270 F98 Answers to part of quiz 4 and all of quiz 5
Samorderedabook, but instead ofit he received a bookhedidn't want
T Q       Q  
4-6. No one saw the book that was lying on the table.
No one is such that (he or she saw the book that was lying on the table)
(∀x: x is a person) ¬ x saw the book that was lying on the table
(∀x: Px) ¬ Sx(the book that was lying on the table)
(∀x: Px) ¬ Sx(bt)
[P: λx (x is a person); S: λxy (x saw y); b: λx (the book that was lying on x); t: the table]

No one except numismatists understood the joke

(∀x: x is a person ∧ ¬ x is a numismatist) ¬ x understood the joke

(∀x: Px ∧ ¬ Nx) ¬ Uxj
[N: λx (x is a person); P: λx (x is a numismatist); U: λxy (x understood y); j: the joke]

The movie delighted all boys and girls

all boys and girls are such that (the movie delighted them)

(∀x: x is a boy or girl) the movie delighted x

(∀x: x is a boyx is a girl) the movie delighted x

(∀x: Bx ∨ Gx) Dmx
[B: λx (x is a boy); D: λxy (x delighted y); G: λx (x is a girl); m: the movie]

If anyone relayed the message to everyone, then no one understood every part of it

(∀x: x is a person) if x relayed the message to everyone, then no one understood every part of it

(∀x: Px) (x relayed the message to everyoneno one understood every part of the message)

(∀x: Px) ((∀y: y is a person) x relayed the message to y → (∀z: z is a person) ¬ z understood every part of the message)

(∀x: Px) ((∀y: Py) x relayed the message to y → (∀z: Pz) ¬ (∀w: w is a part of the message) z understood w)

(∀x: Px) ((∀y: Py) Rxmy → (∀z: Pz) ¬ (∀w: Twm) Uzw)
[P: λx (x is a person); R: λxyz (x relayed y to z); T: λxy (x is a part of y); U: λxy (x understood y); m: the message]
│∀x (Fx ∨ Gx) a:2
│∀x ¬ Gx a:3
2 UI ││Fa ∨ Ga 4
3 UI ││¬ Ga (4)
4 MTP ││Fa (5)
5 QED ││Fa 1
1 UG │∀x Fx
│(∀x: Fx) (∀y: Pxy) Rxy b:4
│││Fb ∧ Pba 3
3 Ext │││Fb (4)
3 Ext │││Pba (5)
4 SB │││(∀y: Pby) Rby a:5
5 SB │││Rba (6)
6 QED │││Rba 2
2 RIG ││(∀x: Fx ∧ Pxa) Rxa 1
1 UG │∀y (∀x: Fx ∧ Pxy) Rxy
│(∀x: Fx) ¬ Rxx b:4,a:5
│││Fb (4)
4 SB ││││¬ Rbb
││││││¬ Fa
││││││○ Fb,Rab,¬Rbb,¬Fa ⇏ ⊥
││││││⊥ 6
6 IP │││││Fa 5
│││││¬ Raa
│││││○ Fb,Rab,¬Rbb,¬Raa ⇏ ⊥
│││││⊥ 5
5 MCR ││││⊥ 3
3 RAA │││¬ Rab 2
2 RUG ││(∀y: Fy) ¬ Ray 1
1 UG │∀x (∀y: Fy) ¬ Rxy
This structure divides both gaps: