Requirements: second paper (default due date: Tues 11/2)

Write an essay (of roughly 4-5 pp. or 1200-1500 words) on a topic concerning one of the selections from the recent part of the course (beginning with the second Putnam paper) The point of this paper is to give you a chance to explore further an issue of interest to you and to provide a basis for me to evaluate both your understanding of the material we've read and the depth of your thinking about a philosophical issue. Your essay should again include the following elements:

And you can expect me to evaluate both your understanding of the material we've read and the depth of your thinking about a philosophical issue.

Although this is longer than the first paper, it is still farily short and you'll need to be careful to keep your topic narrow and to design your exposition to fit the space available.

Again I'll be happy to accept your essay on paper, but I encourage you to submit it electronically by e-mail (either as an attachment or, if there is no special formatting, in the body of a message) or by using the drop box on the Blackboard site for the course.