Phi 213
Spring 2016
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Phi 213 S16
Requirements: second paper (default due date: Wed. 4/13)

Write an essay (of roughly 6-7 pp. or 1800-2100 words) on an issue relevant to something we’ve discussed since Holmes. You should

(i) explain the issue and

(ii) present and defend a position concerning it.

In doing this, you should

(a) discuss in some detail a portion of something we’ve covered since Holmes and

(b) consider at least one objection to the view you defend.

The position you defend may be one you hold, but it need not be, and your exposition of the selection may serve you in any of several ways—e.g., to help set up the issue you will discuss, to help present the position you wish to defend, or to provide an objection to it.

What I am asking you to do on this paper is not vastly different from what I asked for on the first paper, so the general advice I gave there still applies. In particular, be sure to keep your topic narrow. A broad issue may be involved; but, if so, you will be able to deal with it only in a very limited way, and you should be clear about the limitations of your treatment and make them clear to a reader. And be sure to give enough space to present both sides of the issue clearly and fully. You should give the components (ii) and (b) described above roughly equal attention (though part of your discussion of the objection might be an account of the sort of response to it that could be offered by someone holding the position you defend).

While I’d be happy to accept this paper in hard copy, it is more convenient for me to receive work electronically; and, since I haven’t set up the course Canvas site for assignments, that means using e-mail (either sending the paper as an attachment or making it the body of a message)—my address is