Phi 110
Fall 2015
Phi 110 F15
Reading guide for Tues. 9/29: Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, bk. x, chs. 4-9 (Irwin 2nd ed., pp. 157-171)

This assignment includes three topics. Chs. 4-5 form the heart of Aristotle’s discussion of pleasure, chs. 6-8 offer a discussion of the good life that can seem different from the one in bk. i, and ch. 9 is Aristotle’s conclusion.

Aristotle discusses pleasure from the beginning of bk. x (after an independent discussion of it at the end of bk. vii), but it is ch. 4 where he turns from things said about it to his own views. Although there is no special problem of translation associated with the use of the English word ‘pleasure’, Aristotle’s view of pleasure is likely to be different from what you might expect, and Irwin’s glossary entry may be help in understanding what he says.

In chs. 6-8, Aristotle returns to the three sorts of life described in bk. i, ch. 5. The life of study that was noted there but not discussed becomes the center of attention here in a way that raises the question of Aristotle’s overall view of the relative importance of virtues of character and of thought and of the lives in which those virtues are exercised. Ask yourself what he wishes to say about this in the end and also what he should say (people writing on Aristotle disagree about both questions).

Ch. 9 ends with a transition to Aristotle’s Politics and the chapter is devoted to a discussion of the relation between ethics and politics, so he ends the work with a discussion of issues related to those in the early chapters of bk. i.