Pick three of the authors you have read who you would like to hear in conversation and say why. I’m not expecting more than a paragraph or two, so your reasons don’t need to be elaborate. And they could be of any sort. That is, you might have in mind an issue that these people would discuss, but it would be equally legitimate to be curious about how their personalities would interact. All I ask is that you articulate your reasons—i.e., that you say more than simply that you’d like to hear them speak to each other.
The point of the assignment is to get you to think back over the people you have read in the course, and I have settled on the number three in order to move beyond dialogues already built into what you’ve read (such as Reid’s criticisms of Hume)—though a pair of authors in such a dialogue might be two of the three people you choose.
This is one of the ungraded assignments, so you will get full credit simply for making a serious effort. As always, I’ll be happy to accept your assignment on paper, but I encourage you to submit it electronically via e-mail. A short assignment like this could itself be the content of an e-mail message, but I’m also happy to get e-mail attachments.