FrC 14I
Spring 2014
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FrC 14I
Ungraded assignment for Mon. 2/24: Ramachandran, “The Neurons That Shaped Civilization” (on Canvas)—responses

On Monday, we will discuss ch. 4 of The Tell-Tale Brain, a recent book by the neuroscientist V. S. Ramachandran. As you read Ramachandran, watch for his numbered notes; there are only 3 (the references are on pp. 125, 128, and 133, and you can find the notes at the end of the PDF). These notes add to his discussion (rather than providing bibliographic references); in particular, they address ways in which his ideas have been criticized.

As part of preparing for our discussion, you should (as always) think of questions about the text that we might discuss. Your assignment is to send one such question with a page reference and before 8 am on Mon. (to

You don’t need to write this out as a full question (though, of course, you may). But you should note the page (or pages) your question concerns and add at least a phrase indicating the topic you are asking about. If your question concerns something that appears in many places, you should pick an example and give a page number for it.