Requirements: (1) Four papers (the first 2-3 pp., the second and third 4-5 pp. each, and the last 6-8 pp. in length, with an abstract of 1-2 pp. prepared for discussion in class). I will specify the forms of these papers, but you will have substantial freedom of choice in the topics. (2) A number of less formal, shorter, and ungraded assignments. (3) Attendance and participation in class discussion. Your final grade will be based on these in the following way: 8%, 14%, 14%, and 24% for the papers and 40% for class participation (including completion of the ungraded assignments).
Discussion grading: The major factor in your participation grade will be your contributions to class discussion (which, of course, includes your attendance). When evaluating these contributions, I’ll pay most attention to the following activities (in rough order of importance):
• asking questions
• commenting on something someone else has said
• working to draw people into the discussion
• trying to answer others’ questions
• reflecting on the direction of the discussion
Of course, contributing good ideas about whatever we are discussing counts for something, but it can provide the basis for any of the activities above. And using good ideas in these ways is what makes for real participation in discussion. (Midsemester evaluation form)
You will sometimes find that you haven’t been able to contribute as much as you wanted or in the way that you wanted. If so, you can submit a brief statement of “What I wish I had said.” This won’t count as much as saying the same thing in the discussion would have, but it will count for something. (It should reach me the same day as the discussion in question, and I’ll accept it only for discussions you actually attended.)
Attendance and due dates: To be excused from discussion, you will need a good reason (and the need to complete work for other classes is not a good reason). My standards for a good reason will be lower if you let me know in advance, and they may increase if you have been excused before. The due dates given for papers are default due dates, and I will be willing to negotiate and re-negotiate individual deadlines (within reason) if these are inconvenient. If you miss a deadline (either the default or one you have negotiated), I will expect you to contact me promptly to either turn in the work or arrange a new deadline. My standards for excusing missed deadlines are comparable to those for excusing missed class discussions after the fact, and unexcused missed deadlines will tend to affect your participation grade.