FrC 13E

Ungraded assignment for Fri. 2/15: Berger, “Sociological Perspective—Society in Man” (on Moodle)

As part of preparing for our discussion of this chapter by Berger on Fri., you should (as always) think of questions about the text that we might discuss. Your assignment is to send me one such question before 6 am on Fri. You should (also as always) direct people to a particular location in the text; that means a page number or comparably specific description of the location.

Berger’s chapter is long enough that it might help to have subdivisions. Although there are none marked in the text, there are some clear changes in topic that divide the chapter into segments (of unequal length): Berger’s discussions of the three topics he mentions at the top of p. 94 occupy pp. 94-110, pp. 110-118, and pp. 118-120, with a short conclusion following the third.