FrC 13E

Ungraded assignment for Fri. 2/8: Mary Shelley, Frankenstein through chs. 18-24

As part of preparing for our discussion of Frankenstein on Friday, you should (as always) think of questions about the text that we might discuss. Your assignment is to send me one such question before 6 am on Fri.

You should (also as always) direct people to a particular location in the text; that means a page number or comparably specific description of the location. If you are not using the Oxford World’s Classics edition (the one ordered by the bookstore), you can find page numbers for the 1831 edition in the HTML version of Frankenstein on the section Moodle site, and you can find numbered paragraphs in the edition at:

(Of course, if you specify a location in one of these other ways, you should note that you are doing so.)