A java version of PoincaréDraw is being developed. Please notify me if you are interested in previewing it when it is ready.
PoincaréDraw is a dynamic, interactive computer program used to make compass and straightedge constructions in the Poincaré disk model of the hyperbolic plane. Here are some images from the program. Click on them for larger (and clearer) versions.
The Poincaré Disk
Two Hyperbolic Lines Passing Though P Parallel
to Line AB!
Hyperbolic Triangle
A Hyperbolic Circle with Center C and Diameter AB
The Common Perpendicular to Two Parallel Lines
The Altitudes of a Triangle Are Concurrent
So are the Perpendicular Bisectors of the Sides
Or Are They?!?
Download PoincaréDraw,
2.0, January 1998. Zipped file contains program and documentation
Note: Beginning in October 1999 the zipped file contains two
slightly different versions of PoincaréDraw, PDraw20.exe and PDraw20a.exe.
A bug in one of Turbo Pascal's library routines causes a "Runtime error
200: Division by zero" when PDraw20.exe is run on a machine with a Pentium
III processor. If this happens, you should use PDraw20a.exe instead.
PDraw20a.exe may run more slowly than PDraw20.exe on machines that run
both. For more information about this bug (which affects many programs
written in Turbo Pascal), see
and Intel
support documentation.
PoincaréDraw is Copyrighted 1998 by Robert L. Foote.
Permission is granted to make and distribute copies, provided the program
and documentation files are copied and distributed as a package and no
changes are made to either. Instructors using PoincaréDraw
in a class are requested to notify Robert