CS 111 Resources
Java Our Text and the Animator
New Version of the
Animator is available!

BlueJ 1.1.6 is available!

Java Resources
Main Java web page from Sun Microsystems
Get Java for your computer -- It's free!
You want the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (SDK), Version 1.3.1.
Note: Version 1.4 beta is not compatible with BlueJ!

Java Class Libraries
This is the same web site accessible from the BlueJ help menu (but it's on the Sun web site).

Java Language Specification
This is the definition of Java!

BlueJ is somewhat limited, and doesn't work well on very large Java programs with lots of classes. Another free Java programming environment is Forte for Java, from Sun.

Sun's Java Tutorial

Other Books. There are lots of books on Java programming. Here are two that I have learned a lot from:

Computing Concepts with Java2 Essentials by Horstman

Java: How to Program by Deitel & Deitel

Poplawski's Text and The Animator
Examples in Poplawski's Text.  The examples in Poplawski's text are all on the disk that came with the text. Those that I use in class I will put in the CS111\Examples folder on the Caleb drive. How to use them on your own computer.

There is a new version of the Animator, Version 5. See Poplawski's web page. You need both the Animator and ClickListener classes, even for extensions of the Animator that don't use a ClickListener. The examples in the text will run with these.
        The most notable improvement is that the new Animator has up and down buttons that change the y-variable.
        I have modified the new version of the Animator, and have called it CS111Animator, which you can download. It is independent of the ClickListener class. The examples in the text that don't use a ClickListener will run with this. In addition, the labs, homework, and examples that use mouseClick, mousePress, etc., will run with this.

BlueJ Resources
BlueJ Homepage

We are using version 1.1.5.

Version 1.1.6 is now available. The most notable improvement is that the editor now has Find/Replace capability.
BlueJ Java Programming Environment -- Free!

BlueJ Tutorial (pdf)

BlueJ Reference Manual (pdf)

HTML Resources

With the number of web page editors now available (some for free, like Netscape Composer), there is less need to know HTML than there used to be. However, occasionally you need to modify some HTML code, and so it's good to have some basic knowledge of how it works.

Brad Weaver's Intro to HTML

NCSA Beginner's Guide to HTML

Note: You have two places on the College network where you can put web pages. One is your folder in the CS111\Web folder for this course on the Caleb drive. Only students taking this course can see things you put there. The other is in the www section of the Caleb drive. Every student and faculty member has a folder where web pages can be put that are visible to anyone on the web. More information on how to use your public web page folder is available from Computer Services.

How to Use the Examples From Poplawski's Text on Your Own Computer
To use the examples from the text on your own computer, you need to copy them to your hard drive. Note that the examples are in different formats, one of which is BlueJ. (Note: The version of BlueJ on the disk is 1.1.4, but you need to use 1.1.5.)

        The example files are in read-only mode. BlueJ can't use them in this mode because it needs to be able to modify and save them. To make the files useable with BlueJ, the read-only attribute must be turned off. Here is how to do this.

Note: If you forget to turn off the read-only attribute of the files, BlueJ will tell you that it is unable to save a file when it tries to. If you don't know why this is happening, it can be very frustrating!